Joey’s Community Connect (JCC)
The JCC (Joey’s Community Connect) is very active and is a wonderful support to the school.
Historically known as the P&F, St Joseph’s has moved away from traditional fundraising, and instead
collects levies from parents to fund the activities of the JCC. All parents play an integral part in the JCC, be it by sitting on the Executive Committee, Volunteering to help deliver events, attending events and critically having a voice on how the JCC funds are used. We collaborate closely with Staff to ensure our children and community thrive.
With a focus on making parents feel welcome at the school you as parents walk the talk of our school’s value of community.
The JCC (Executive and Parents) have the opportunity to meet quarterly to share ideas, engage with staff and contribute to the life of the school. These projects originate from the School Annual Plan which is developed by the Principal and staff.
The JCC is focused on investing in
1. The Capital Works Program for the school
2. Providing additional equipment for the school to support our children’s learning and
3. Delivering community-focused events such as:
- Parent and Staff Wine & Cheese Evening at the beginning of the year
- Mother’s Day and Father’s Day stalls
- Fete
- Trivia Night
- Second-Hand Uniform Shop
- Parent social events
- Year 6 Disco
The JCC frequently review the events to ensure they are relevant and well-attended.
In addition to the JCC Executive, there exist many committees that meet regularly to plan for many of the projects being developed. To enable this, the JCC has a ‘Just One Thing’ initiative where parents, upon enrolment and then again annually, can commit to helping with ‘just one thing’. The school believes that it is a reasonable expectation that parents commit to assisting in this way.
For more information about the JCC, please visit